'The form is not complete and has not been submitted yet. There is 1 problem with your submission.'
Occasionally there can be a bug if a user tries to access the pre-learning and enters their name which includes a hyphen, apostrophe or 'special character' - this can trigger an error.
Please sign up to the pre-learning by leaving out the hyphen/apostrophe in the 'your name' field only - your email address is fine.
Above: Example of error dialogue box that appears.
I cannot see the 'sign-up' button to submit the form on a mobile device.
On some devices users may not be able to see the pre-learning 'sign-up' button when using a mobile device. As a work around, please rotate your device landscape and scroll down. You will now be able to see the button and sign up to your pre-learning (online training).
Above: Example of bug when user views website in portrait.
Above: Example of website when user rotates device for landscape viewing.