
The enrolment key was rejected

In order to protect client data St John secures each eLearning course with a enrolment key.

Before you can access your St John eLearning course you must first enter the enrolment key previously provided to you.


Above: The error displayed if a enrolment key is rejected by the system.


In the event your enrolment key is rejected, try the following troubleshooting steps. 

  1. Check URL – Are you at the correct eLearning site?
    Your browser address bar should show the path 
  2. Check Course Code – Are you attempting to enroll in the correct course?
    Ensure the course code matches the course code supplied to you. The course code may be found in the course description column.
  3. Check Caps Lock – Do you have Caps Lock enabled/disabled?
    St John course codes are case sensitive. 
  4. Check for Typos – Did you make a typo?


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